Sunday, July 8, 2012

Has it Really Been That Long?

Wow! I knew I'd been busy but I had no idea it had been so long since I'd posted. I really don't have a ready post so I'll just leave you with a few pics of where we were a week ago...

MLK Jr. Memorial
(look hard and you can see Anna, Aubrey and Bekah)

This was a beautiful memorial with a lovely wall of MLK's quotes...a very thought provoking experience.

George Mason Memorial
Todd really liked this one...LOL!

Lincoln Memorial

Roosevelt's Memorial

This may be my favorite because of the history here. It was easier to relate to things I know my family members experienced. Depression...war...etc. It was a very impressive memorial park...HUGE! So many aspects of it.

Smithsonian: Natural History Museum
(Don't they look thrilled? We had walked multiple miles to get here and Anna and I had been chasing little Miss Aubrey who kept insisting on running off...that my friends is the look of tired and frustrated...LOL!)

Todd surprised me and took us to Gerorgetown Cupcakes...home of DC Cupcakes TV show on TLC.
Now if you know me at all you know I LOVE CUPCAKES!!!! I recently found this show on Netflix and I've watched the first series more than once. Can't wait to see this seasons shows but I keep missing them on TLC...pooh!

The cupcakes were sooooooooooooooooooo good!

Thanks to the heat (a mere 105 degrees Fahrenheit) we didn't have to wait in line long and we also...are you ready for a parking spot right in front of the shop!!! Leave it to Todd to always get front row parking...drives me nuts but I was so grateful.

Melting in front of the White House.

It was so, so hot. We walked several blocks to get there. It was so, so HOT!

Arlington Cemetery Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

A very somber moment in our trip. The changing of the guard was pretty impressive. The precision these men have in this!

Leaving the cemetery I started reading the stones more closely, realizing that military wives are marked there too. Also, military children...many who died very, very young. Seems 1954-56 was an awful time for the young. Lots of death dates then. It made the experience weigh on me a bit more.

The thing that hit me the hardest?

The place I had to walk away from?

Because it hit home on a personal level...

because it involved children...

1.5 million of them...

The Holocaust Museum was very moving. I wanted to see if they had anything regarding Purple Triangles but I was in tears after going through Daniel's Story, the children's exhibit. I decided it was best to leave at that point.

We saw some impressive things and had a good time in the Virginia / DC area.

Believe it or not, we wouldn't have had this opportunity had it not been for my husband's company. He was scheduled for training and they allowed us to tag along for the ride. Todd had to work but we got to play.

It was something I hope the girls never forget...I know I won't.

Keep Your Hands Busy!


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Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please leave any feedback you care to, it is always appreciated. Keep your hands busy, my friends! Smiles! Gwen