Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fun For Under $5

Here is a fun little project that the girls and I put together this afternoon. 

Here it is...a little bird feeder.

We hung it in our crabapple that is in front of the porch. I'm hoping the local birds will decide to get a snack now and again so we can view them from the living room window or the porch.

My proud little girls (hot and tired little girls) wanted to be in the photo too. Yes, I took these after dark but you can clearly see the bird feeder and Bekah's toothless grin. (She lost another tooth last night. No central incisors on her Maxillary jaw at this point...she's so cute!)

So, how did we do this for less than $5 you may wonder?

Gazebo bird feeder - Walmart - $0.97
Wild bird seed - Walmart - $2.15
Minnie Mouse Stickers - from Disney stash - FREE
Grappling Hook (?) - Had it - FREE

So you can see the actual total cost is just over $3.00.

If this works out the way I hope it will, the girls will get to help me identify the different little birdie friends we make during the warm months. Since we have a nest in this tree, I think we may have a very good chance of spying out some activity.

Wondering what happened to my T-shirt to skirt project photos?

Well, they are hiding in my phone right now and its dead. Try to have it fully charged and load the photos tomorrow.

Keep your hands busy!


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