Well, I'm doing these a few days at a time and its seems to be confusing me. Imagine that...me confused about something...LOL! So, I may revert to everyday again, just to keep myself straight on what's been accomplished and what hasn't.
Monday, January 16th
After dental cleanings I took the girls to Pizza Hut for an early dinner. Anna's eyes looked so pretty. She's been playing around with some new make up techniques and her eyes really popped! I just had to get a photo of my pretty girl.
Tuesday, January 17th
Daisy has an issue with her training cage. She thinks there is something living under it. Or, she's trying to bury her chew toys. Either way, she's the only dog I know that has dug a hole through the plastic liner of her training cage. She is not right.
Wednesday, January 18th
Today was a big day in the developement of my littlest baby girl. She had her first dental cleaning. When Anna and Bekah went on Monday to get their cleanings, Aubrey was super upset that she didn't get to have one too. So, we scheduled an appointment. Today was the day, she did a good job (from what I'm told they don't like parents to stay in the room so I waited in the lobby...boo-hoo). No cavities! However, she didn't like the taste of the flouride varnish...not at all! Hehehe.
Hope to be back tomorrow with a new post and a new photo.
Great pictures Gwen! Love the top one of your daughter! That is a fantastic photo! This is such a great idea of taking a photo everyday. You will look back next year and be so happy with all these great memories. Most of them seem to be everyday moments, but you probably would not have captured them if you weren't doing this!