Monday, July 4, 2011

A Card for Brooke

Here is a little card I whipped up for Brooke. She is having a belated Graduation Party tomorrow. The party is being hosted by her maternal side of the family. Since it is the 4th of July, I'm guessing most of her family will have the day off tomorrow and it was convenient for everyone to gather together for her. Sounds good to me. The kid deserves to celebrate her acheivement.

Since I've already given her a couple of uber sentimental and lovey-dovey-I'm-so-proud-of-you cards, I went a different route this time. Using one of Mo Manning's delightful images I put this fun little card together for our "Superduper" Graduate...

I'm not entering this in any challenges. I just wanted to share it. Matter of fact, I'm not sure I'll be doing too many challenges in the future. It just takes so much time and I'd rather use that time to craft. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I dunno, it seems like I'm spending too much time researching what challenge is happening here and there and how to create a project to fit this one or that one and truth be known...I'm WAY too lazy for that...LOL!

In all  honesty I've got a lot I want to play with and hope to have some fun projects posted for you all to see. I like sharing ideas and I'm thankful to those who have also shared. Dorcas of Dorcas Designs has posted some wonderful tutorials on coloring that I'd like to play at for a while. I really would like to enhance that aspect of my card making. What kinds of things would you like to master in your craft? Please share, like I said...sharing is one reason why I do this.

Well, I'm off for now. Got to get my beauty rest and energy stored up for tomorrow. Today was a sicky day for me and I'm drained.

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!


Color Medium: Letraset Tria Markers
DP: Basic Grey - lemonade
Spellbinders; Misc ribbon; Misc rhinestone

1 comment:

  1. This is DARLING, Gwen! What a sweet little superhero- and that sentiment is totally adorable!


Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please leave any feedback you care to, it is always appreciated. Keep your hands busy, my friends! Smiles! Gwen