Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday Tidbits...

Today is a quiet day so far. I've been suffering from a terrible sinus headache (AGAIN!)since the beginning of the week and frankly...I'm just totally done with this. No more I say...sinus pain go away! (Sounds like a slogan for a cold rememdy...LOL.) I want to do some things other than hide my head under a pillow and sob.

For instance, I've got some cleaning that needs done. Lots of stuff left unpacked from Craftoberfest. My creativity room needs a major overhaul. I've picked up more than I thought over the past couple of months and I need a place to store it. Glad I've got those shelves that I haven't put up yet just begging for stuff to be stored on them. Now, I just need to muster up the energy to get the project underway.

So many projects that I want to get started and so little time. I have cards to make for MACS and for family and for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I'm happy to do these things. I love to do these things. I just need a place to do these things. Which brings me back to my organizational issues. Once I get my desk cleaned up and set up and cards made I've got a fantastic new toy to install on my PC. Well, actually two. My bamboo and my new embroidery machine. They have been in boxes long enough!

I sure do have a lot that I want to accomplish today. But heck! If dear Hazel from the DCRU Challenge can create 100 cards in a single day...Who knows what I can tackle and check off of my list. It would really feel nice to check something off of my list.

Stay tuned tomorrow when I post about our Friday Fun Stuff which will focus on the Autumn Party that the kids and I are having. I love Autumn! The kids are super excited about getting to do some activities and learning a new song. I'll fill you all in on the details...

Take care and keep your hands busy.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Gwen! Like your fall colored blog :o)

    Wow, 100 cards!! In my dreams is all I can

    I have a sinus headache today, too. Ugh...Feel better!!



Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please leave any feedback you care to, it is always appreciated. Keep your hands busy, my friends! Smiles! Gwen