Monday, January 23, 2012

Januaray 22 & 23 20-12

January 22

I finally finished ready Little Bee. This is a story that left me frustrated. It was good, but too real. I needed a book with an escape and I got raw hard truth and I just didn't want that. Would I recommend this to somebody else? Yes. Its riddled with a desperate hope and humanity that can touch you.

January 23

(Ah, once again my silly blogger friend doesn't want to orient my photo correctly. Why do I waste all that time doing edits and rotating?)

This is my little sleepy head. She slept through getting Bekah off to school. She looked so cute when she woke up with her sweet little face in the morning light. Love this baby!



Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please leave any feedback you care to, it is always appreciated. Keep your hands busy, my friends! Smiles! Gwen