Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bekah has lost a tooth!

Here are some pics of Bekah after she lost her first tooth. It was loose for a few weeks and she bumped it this morning about 1:30 AM, came out of her room crying and bleeding. I told her I'd help clean up the blood and after I had the tooth in my fingers (and out of her mouth) asked if I could try and pull her tooth out. She refused and started carrying on. So, I told her to look in my fingers and tell me what was in there...when she saw her tooth she started laughing. Silly little girl...she smiled until she feel asleep a little after 2:00 AM.

The little hole left behind and the new tooth.
Something's missing...hehehe
And this is the smile that lasted until she fell asleep. She was so proud of herself. It was so sweet, I love these little milestone moments that pass by all too quickly.



  1. How sweet these photographs are, Gwen. I have photos of my son when he lost some teeth and they are precious.

  2. I am SO glad my kids aren't the only ones who run around with out clothes on!! :) Congratulations on your first tooth Bekah!!


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